Assoc. Prof. Jan Plzàk

Associated Professor Jan Plzák is the Deputy Chairman of the Department  of Othorinolarynoglogy and Head and Neck Surgery, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (Head Prof. Jan Betka).

He is also engaged at the Department of Anatomy, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. He is the author of scientific papers and monographies on molecular biology, glycobiology, and genetics of head and neck cancer, rhinology, skull base, thyroid surgery, sleep medicine, head and neck clinical anatomy. His H-index is 10 (July 2012). He is a regular reviewer of more than 15 journals (ENT, oncology, molecular biology), a member of editorial boards of several international journals. Assoc. Prof. Jan Plzák is a member of ORL section UEMS, a secretary of Oncological section of the Czech Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, a secretary of Surgical section of the Czech Society of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine, a member of the Czech Biological Society, the Czech Anatomical Society, the European Sleep Research Society,the European Academy of Sleep Medicine.

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