Soci Onorari
Honorary members
Prof. Adrian Agius (Malta)
Mr. Adrian Agius graduated MD from the University of Malta in 1987 and carried out his postgraduate train...
Prof. Rashid Al Abri (Oman)
Sultan Qaboos University HospitalMuscat, Sultanate of OmanQualifications: MD, FRCS, MBA
Prof. Tomas Balsevičius (Lituania)
Department of Otolaryngology of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas, Lithuania.
Prof. Besim Boçi (Albania)
Faculty of MedicineDeputy Director of Tirana University HospitalCentre “Mother Theresa” Albania
Prof. Chaweewan Bunnag (Tailandia)
Current PositionProfessor in Otorhinolaryngology.
Prof. Juan David Carvajal (Venezuela)
Chief of Otolaringology Hospital Dr. Luis Gómez López. Barquisimeto – Venezuela
Prof. Hari Bhattarai (Nepal)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck surgeryTribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Instit...
Prof. Mujahid Feroze Din (Kenya)
Prof. Philippe Eloy (Belgium)
University Hospital of Mont-GodinneUniversité Catholique de Louvain, Yvoir Belgium
Prof. Dan M. Fliss (Israel)
Professor Dan M. Fliss is a specialist in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Chairman of the Departmen...
Prof. Balwant Singh Gendeh (Malaysia)
Professor/Senior Consultant Otorhinolaryngologist since December 2000Department of Otorhinolaryngology-He...
Prof. Wojciech Golusiński (Poland)
Professor Wojciech Golusiński is the Chairman of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery in the Wielkopol...
Prof. Achal Gulati (India)
Director Professor of ENT, Maulana Azad Medical College, New DelhiIndia
Prof. Usamah Hadi (Libano)
Head of Dept. of Otolaryngology, Beirut Governmental Rafic Hariri Hospital, BeirutProfessor at the Dept....
Prof. Julio Heinichen (Paraguay)
Chief of ENT Service Of Central Army Force Hospital of Paraguay
Prof. Klemen Jenko (Slovenia)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Clinical Centre Ljubljana, LjubljanaAssistant at School of...
Prof. Reda Kamel (Egitto)
Professor Kamel is a professor of Rhinology at Cairo University, Egypt.
Prof. Hideyuki Kawauchi (Japan)
Professor and ChairmanDepartment of Otolaryngology, School of MedicineShimane University, Shimane Japan
Prof. Andrey S. Lopatin (Russia)
Senior Consultant at the ENT Department of Presidential Medical Centre, MoscowProfessor, ENT Clinic of th...
Prof. Darlene Lubbe (South Africa)
She is a Principal Specialist in the Division of Otolaryngology at Groote Schuur Hospital, University of...
Prof. Liudmila Makaryna-Kibak (Bielorussia)
Present position: Direktor National centre of otorhinolaryngology
Prof. K.M.D. Filipe Matuba (Angola)
Prof. Kikeba Miezi Donkaditu Filipe Matuba was born in Angola.
Prof. Amarilis Melendez (Panamá)
Chief Department of Otorhinolaryngology Hospital Santo TomasProfessor Anatomy of H&N at School of Med...
Prof. Alireza Mesbahi (Iran)
Head of the ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery DepartmentKhodadust HospitalIran
Prof. Ranko Mladina (Croazia)
Professor of ORL at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croazia CIRAS
Prof. Ralph Mösges (Germany)
Professor for Medical Informatics and Deputy ChairmanInstitute of Medical Statistics, Informatics and Epi...
Prof. T. Metin Önerci (Turkey)
Hacettepe Üniversity, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Ankara - Tu...
Prof. Pais Clemente Manuel (Portugal)
Full Professor and Chairman of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at the Porto University School of Me...
Assoc. Prof. Jan Plzàk (Czech Republic)
Associated Professor Jan Plzák is the Deputy Chairman of the Department of Othorinolarynoglogy and Head a...
Prof. Edgar Arturo Perdomo Flores (El Salvador)
Hospital San Francisco 4to Piso. # 53 y 54, San Miguel. El Salvador.
Prof. Hussain Abdul Rahman (Emirati Arabi)
Msc (Cairo), German Board (Facharzt), FRCSDirector of Medical Affairs
Prof. Chae-Seo Rhee (Korea)
Present Academic Appointments:Professor of Otorhinolaryngology at Seoul Nat’l Univ. College of MedicineCh...
Prof. Hugo Aníbal Rodríguez (Argentina)
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE2011 – Present: Chief Of Endoscopy Respiratory, Hospital Nacional de Pediatria Pro...
Prof. Caius-Codrut Sarafoleanu (Romania)
Professor of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery University of Medicine Carol Davila, BucharestHead...
Prof. Adolfo Sarandeses García (Spain)
He is Jefe de Sección in the O.R.L. Department at the University Hospital of La Coruña (Spain). He is als...
Prof. Elie Serrano (France)
Larrey University Hospital, Toulouse – France
Prof. Arthur K. Shukuryan (Armenia)
Professor, Chief of Otorinolaringology Department,Yerevan State Medical University Head of Department of...
Prof. Marian Sicak (Rep. Slovacca)
Head of the Department of ORL and H&N Surgery - Central Military Hospital, RuzomberokHead of Rhinolog...
Prof. Milan Stankovic (Serbia)
Head of University ENT Clinic NisProfessor of Otolaryngology, University of NisProfessor of Otolaryngolog...
Prof. Gil M. Vicente (Filippine)
Chief, Rhinology Section and Research CoordinatorSt. Luke’s Medical Center and Jose R. Reyes Mem. Medical...
Prof. Te-Huei Yeh (Taiwan)
Associate Professor, Department of OtolaryngologyNational Taiwan University College of Medicine andNation...
Prof. De Yun Wang (Singapore)
National University of Singapore
Prof. Retno S. Wardani (Indonesia)
Rhinology Division, ENT Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of IndonesiaDr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Ho...
Prof. Dmytro Zabolotnyi (Ucraina)
Professor, Academician of National Academy of Medical Sciences of UkraineDirector of Govermental Institut...
Prof. Hemant Ahluwalia (India)
Associate Professor in ENT at U.P. University of Medical Sciences, SaifaiIndia
Prof. Tomislav Baudoin (Croatia)
Tomislav Baudoin is the founder and the head of the Referral Center of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Min...
Prof. Gabriela Kopacheva Barsova (Macedonia)
Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kopacheva-Barsova, MD, PhD,
Prof. Basile Nicolas Landis (Svizzera)
Prof Basile Nicolas LANDIS, MDCurrent position: Head of the Rhinology-Olfactology Unit, Department of Oto...
Prof. Thana Hikmet Nassir (Iraq)
Thana Hikmet NassirQarada Al-Sharqiya – Jadriya - Hay Babil, Sec.923, St.39, No.6, Baghdad - Iraq.26/08/1...
Prof. Francisco Salaverry (Peru)
Prof. Fernando Silva Chachon (Ecuador)
I.A.P.O. President
Prof. Syed Muhammad Tariq Rafi (Pakistan)
- Chairman, Sindh Higher Education Commission, Government of Sindh.- Chairman, Charter Inspection & E...
Prof. Azizagha Talishinskiy (Azerbaijan)
Professor and Chairman of ENT Department of Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan and President...
Prof. Kamrul Hassan Tarafder (Bangladesh)
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)Bangladesh
Prof. Christian Von Buchwald (Danimarca)
Christian von Buchwald, Professor, MD, DMScClinic of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck SurgeryRigshospital...
Prof. Marc Wagener (Lussemburgo)
Born 1951 in luxembourgSecondary school athenee grand ducal luxembourg science section 1970 baccalaureat