Prof. Ranko Mladina

Professor of ORL at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croazia 

Born July 14th 1949. at Split, Croatia. Graduated at the Medical School of Zagreb University in 1973. ENT specialist from December 1980.

Invited speaker and teacher to more than 150 International Courses and Congresses.
Professor of ORL at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb since 1993.

Delegate of Croatia to the European Rhinologic Society (ERS) 1994-2006, European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ESPO) since1999, ex President of the International Society for Nasal Polyposis, Honorary Member of the Brasilian Rhinologic Society, member of the American Rhinologic Society (ARS), member of the IFOS Standing Committee for Rhinology and Allergology, member of the Associazione Italiana di Chirurgia Estetica e Funzionale Rhinocervicofaciale, Honorary member of the Societa Italiana di Rinologia, author of the 6 books, more than 130 scientific publications (42 of which cited in Current Contents), founder and president of the Croatian International Rhinosurgical Advanced School (CIRAS).

«Golden Mirror» award from the Russian Medical Academy and «Ladislav Rakovac» award from the Croatian Medical Doctors Association.
Head of the Referral Center for rhinosinusology and endoscopic sinus surgery, Ministry of Health and Social Care, Republic of Croatia.

Regular member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences and of CIRAS. Member of the Editorial Boards of 7 international journals and reviewer to countless international journals.
Husband (Iva, 57, jurist, Secretary General to the Croatian Radio), proud father (Ivan, 37, architect and designer; Martina, 34, attorney in low, graduated dancer), devoted grandfather (Mark 9, Hana 1 and Ida 1).

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